
Gynecomastia is a procedure performed for men for the correction of enlarged male breasts. It affects an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men and may affect either one or both breasts. This surgery is both physically and emotionally rewarding to men who feel self-conscious about their appearance. It will enhance your appearance, thereby increasing self-confidence. The procedure removes fat or glandular tissue from the breast resulting in a firmer, flatter and better contoured chest. This surgery is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia in an accredited surgical facility. Patients undergoing this surgery can usually return to work within a week.

It is common to be swollen and bruised following surgery, but this will dissipate within the first three months when the final result of the surgery is apparent. Numbness or loss of breast sensation is also common for a short period of time.


Utah Gynecomastia Specialist

Schedule a Free Consultation with Dr. Bindrup to discuss the benefits of gynecomastia and how it can help you feel more confident about yourself. Dr. Bindrup is one of the premiere gynecomastia experts in Utah. During your consult, he will discuss your options and your questions will be answered in a non-pressured environment. Call today (801-316-1313) for your free consultation where you will see why Dr. Bindrup is THE RIGHT CHOICE for your gynecomastia procedure.